so here's the thing

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When I wear my extensions my hair looks something like this with my new bangs... Don't mind my face in this picture please!

But I'm kind of tempted to chop my hair off like THIS.  Kind of tempted meaning on a scale of 1 to 7 it's about a 2.5... just because I've been growing my hair out for so long! Maybe?  What say you, blogging friends?


kara lynn said...

erin, holy smokes. your new do is fantastic. your bangs are smokin hot as well! really you pull them off soooo well!

Derek said...

Ewin Mawie. Don't chop your hair. My opinion. I am following your blawg now.. you followin mine??

Jalene said...

ooo! i love your new bangs! so cute!

i say no cut. :)

Taufer Family said...

Erin!! Your face can pull off any hair style!! I do love the bangs with the extensions in!! You look AMAZING!!

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