Mih-Zoo-Luh pics

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spaghetti, Ravioli and Beer.  Found: Pocatello

On the Road!  We wouldn't be smiling if we really realized how stinking long that drive was!

The gang at Oliver's Restaurant with our waitress, Rayleen.  She told us to call her Ray Ray. Favorite quotes from her:
"...Hun, I don't know how it's made... It comes to us frozen"
"..I'm an ankle biter.  An ankle biting Bi***.."  (then another waitress behind her yelled "Amen!".. It was awesome)
"I'm off in half hour.  Then I'm off like a pair o' dirty shorts!"

Chelsea, Marquee, Colton & Jordan.  On our way to Oliver's!

Don't worry, we found the Budweiser plant.  Somewhere in Idaho past Idaho Falls.

Look how inviting this place is!  Who wouldn't want to eat here!

These kids were smoking pot.  Awesome.

Chels and I went to the mall while the boys went to the police station (long story.)
Jus Chill'n was a smoothie store.  Ha!

Look at these beanies we found!  Love the Sock Monkey.. Only $19.95!

Here's that box car in Spencer, Idaho!
For a more thorough explanation of Missoula go { here }

1 comment:

Kati said...

Love these posts/pictures. So fun! Road trip with Chels and Erin? Saweet!! Why did you guys go to Missoula? So awesome!!

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