Monday, July 4, 2011

A certain blind-date-quasi-celebrity moved 5 minutes away from me. I run into him evvverywhere.

I feel awkward everytime.

And also. New season of TMB? Anyone watching? I haven't seen any dates yet. I want to hear your thoughts!?

PS Happy 4th of July!!


Unknown said...

don't judge me but I can't watch TMB this season. I watched 5 minutes of date two & wanted to chew my hand off. But the quality of the episodes is MUCH better. I'm kinda mad cause my episode sucked so hard... cest le vie.

Unknown said...

NO! Are you serious...oh dear!

Amanda said...

Saw him at the library the other day an almost pee-ed my pants! It was the weirdest thing, because I know exactly who he is, but he as NO idea that I know!
Weird stuff!

Ava Lable said...

Hey I am reviewing all the dates as I watch them. I really like Ashley, she seems down to earth, and relate-able. And I am liking some of the date ideas and guys too. Though some of them I feel like I suffer through with her.
Go to thesearch4mrright(dot)blogspot(dot)com
to read what I thought about each one!

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