elegant minimalism

Monday, July 25, 2011

my future wedding dress.

not that i'm looking becuase i'm close.
because i'm not.
not even.

so don't get your hopes up.
sorry mom.

i just happened upon this loverly dress and decided.
this is it.
what i want.

it needs a few moderations in the chestal area. 




this is it.

i fell instantly in love with this beaut the moment i laid eyes on it.

it will go perfect with a husband dressed in a suit like this
married for time and eternity in this place
and will go perfect with a bouquet like this


wouldn't you say?



Kati said...

LOVE it!!! Oh Erin, I miss you!!

Jess Cole said...

Oh wow, that dress is so pretty! Your dream wedding looks amazing!

mrsshess said...

I hope your husband fits the suit ;) Love the bouquet! P.S. You should come check out my blog!

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