why hello!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

hello friends

i'd like to get to know who is reading this here blog! 

either leave a comment and tell me a bit about yourself

or email me

marierin @ gmail . com
could be fun?


Cassidy said...

Yours truly is a dedicated reader :)you and anna crack me up!!

Charles Donaldson said...

Well hello Erin. I don't always get to see you anymore, but that doesn't stop me from blog stalking you! (That sounds funnier in my head then when you read it as text) The Jibbilies!!!! Love the blog.

McKenzie Marie said...

You're beautiful! I love hearing the dreams you're accomplishing.

AmberDanielle said...

I stalk your blog erin:) and I love it!

Stephanie Hyde said...

I like your blog a lot. I hung out with Meeses Anna in high school and I met you a couple times. :) I now live in Logan and am married and I am going to forward you a couple emails Anna and I sent back and forth in high school because they were dumb and really funny and really just anna and I. Oh and my name is Stephanie (Porter) Hyde.

Mal Mecham said...

Um me!! I just found it, don't judge. You're darling. Seriously though, Erin. You might be one of the most truly sweet people that I know. Just sayin'. :)

April said...

I started following your blog after your date with Rick Buck. Are you watching the new season? :) You are a classy girl...I love your style in everything. I love visiting your blog!

AJ Candrian said...

Hello! I added your blog to my google reader after your "Rick Buck" date. You seemed like a doll, and it was fun to read about the other girls who were brave enough souls to go on a date with some random guy in California... :)

Jen said...

hi! my name is jen. i started to blog stalk you after you left a sweet message on mine. :) thanks btw. love your shoes and your fun posts!

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