What is beautiful?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sorry this is picture overload.  But you've got to see these.  I guarantee you will look at these pictures and think they're all gorgeous.  I know I do.  And not one of them are society's mold of what is beautiful.

thank you Dove for these images-(-you've probably seen these before in magazine ads.)

If you're like me, you've struggled with self esteem a bit because you don't look like Katie Holmes or Megan Fox.
  And you feel intimidated when girls/women you think are stunning are critical of themselves. 
 You wonder what is wrong with you if someone you think is gorgeous thinks they're not. 

Well let me tell you something.  Being your best you is beautiful.  Think about the friends you've got.  All of them look completely different yet all are beautiful in their own ways.  Am I right?  I know I am.

  If we all fit into that mold how boring would it be? 

Let's be our own beautiful, be more confident in our own skin and be the best us we can be

 Seriously though.


makinUVbetter said...

can we post a picture of me in my underwear?

Unknown said...

LOVE it. You gotta watch the Dove films. they're all SO good.

Ashley Serena said...

Mmm, well said. We're our own kind of beautiful, and I think that was the Master Plan. :)

ciekawe zycie Lincoln'a said...

i think you are way more beautiful than all of those girls you named! i know, because i photographed you.

Jalene said...

oops... that last comment was made my jalene taylor... not her husband lincoln. awkward! hahaha. sorry... i always end up logged into his account.

ashley said...

holy crap I totally just did a post about this today! you nailed it better than I did!

Unknown said...

Wonderful! Each picture has so many different sides and so many different ways to look at each woman. Thank you so much for posting such a beautiful piece of work.

Alexis Kaye said...

I love this. thanks for sharing

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