Always More For You

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

today's guest post is from one of my dear friends, the extremely talented Ashley, from Whimsical Musical

 With the end of everything, comes change.

End of the semester, end of a job, end of a relationship, end of summer.

Dear friends move away,
doors slam in your face,
and you suddenly find yourself with the
need to adapt and carry on.

In these times,

you may feel heartbroken,
dreading the road ahead that looks
so unfamiliar,
so altered from the one you planned to walk.

But there is something more for you down that alien path.

You can give your heart and
make more quality friendships,
befriend the world
one person at a time.

It is that trying,

that effort to continue on well
that builds the muscles in your body.

 And those friends are never truly gone,

that boyfriend has molded a unique shape in your heart,
that job gave you experiences you'd not have elsewhere.

 They all live inside you as memories,

patches in your quilted life.
You can always take one more step.
Turn one more page,
and there is always something more to your story.


Morgan said...

dear erin... i love this post. very inspiring to move forward every day.

AllyValdez said...

um. I love you. Like love love love you. This post was just what I needed to hear! I'm your newest follower--come follow me too!


Bridget said...

this is lovely. well all need to hear things like this.

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