the twitter

Friday, April 1, 2011

it took me awhile to get on the twitter bandwagon

i didn't understand the point.. i still don't think i do.

but for some reason it is so fun.

the same way facebook was so fun when i first joined.


the twitter.

let me explain it a little bit to you the way i wish someone would have explained it to me.

@fashiontrainee  (this is my username, we'll use as an example) 

when i make a tweet (it's kind of like a status update on facebook..) it looks something like this:

 fashiontrainee: i love justin bieber!

or if i wanted to say it specifically to someone i would type their username as well...
or sometimes i like to do it in place of a name

fashiontrainee:  i love justin bieber but probably not as much as @makinuvbetter

this sends the tweet to all my tweeps(i call the people that follow me tweeps?)  and it'll also send it to jordan-makinuvbetter even if he doesn't follow me. okay?

now there are trending tweets which are set apart by this: #

i also use the # as an afterthought..

fashiontrainee: i love justin bieber but probably not as much as @makinuvbetter  #he'sobsessed  #neversaynever

okay.. the #he'sobesessed is my afterthought


#neversaynever is a trending tweet


anyway.. just thought it'd try to explain it to you non-tweeters

so join!  then follow me. and i'll follow you!  it's great fun

happy tweeting!!

also have you seen this video?  josh groban cracks me up.. do kanye tweets.


Unknown said...

totes following you [@maryjosnowplow]

Unknown said...

haha hilarious, Erin. Thanks for using me as an example. I'm glad you liked #NeverSayNever!

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