Sleeping Beauty

Saturday, April 16, 2011

ever noticed how different Sleeping Beauty is compared to the other classic Disney movies?

you'll notice next time you watch SB all the geometric shapes, and how everything is very horizontal or vertical.  Nothing too whimsical in Sleeping Beauty!
You've probably never even noticed how it doesn't fit the mold of the other Disney movies produced at the same time. (...Peter Pan, Cinderella, Snow White, Pinnochio, etc)

Did you know that Sleeping Beauty actually lost money and they had to lay off many animators because of it?  I couldn't believe it!  Not only is SB one of my all-time favorites, but I think the animation is breathtaking!

1 comment:

Ashley Serena said...

Well, I've noticed the different animation style and look, but... I didn't know they lost money over it! Those poor animators. :'( Sleeping Beauty definitely is a lovely addition to the Disney collection!

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