just some more thoughts

Monday, April 11, 2011

just so you know, life is not a race.


most of my friends my age are done and graduated.  and have been for a few years.

i could have been done at this point in life.

but because i'm not
sometimes i get down on myself.

and then i realize that if i wasn't in school right now
right at this time.

i would not be able to take advantage of the opportunities i get to. right now.

i am thankful for where i'm at.  i'm slowly moving but that's because that's what needed to happen.  it's what needs to continue to happen. 

for a reason. 

and sometimes(most of the time) we don't know why we do certain things

but in the end it all turns out better than if you were to plan it yourself.

rambling thoughts, yes.  what are your rambling thoughts on the subject?


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

chin up. sometimes plans don't happen the way we thought they would or think they should. there is usually a really good reason!

Ashley Serena said...

Lovely, beautiful.
You are doing amazing things (congratulations, by the way). You're an inspiration to me. :) Keep it up, lady!

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