The Mormon Bachelor

Friday, December 10, 2010

Please go to THIS LINK right this second.

I know what you're thinking. Erin, you JUST said in your previous post you're not looking to date anyone! 
But I'm all for dating adventures. 

And "I'm not looking" doesn't mean I'm not open to it!  I'm totally open to dating if the right guy came along! 

What a creative way to meet someone new. 

And if it doesn't work out (heck, I still would have to apply, be accepted, and there's still a gazillion other girls he could choose from!)  it would still be a great story to tell.

So my blogging compadres,

Do I do it?

Or Not

Leave a comment and tell me what you think! 


Rachel Elder said...

DOOOOO it!!!

Amanda Peterson said...

Please do it! I would love to follow you through this!

What said...

Dumb idea - who wants to date a guy that's dating 11 other girls at the same time?

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