Sister Anna. But seriously though.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

she is one of the {weirdest} people i know.


all describe dear Anna.

classic [mint]-in-place-of-anna's-teeth photo.

she just recieved her mission call. 

Watch here:  

or if you like spoilers:
she has been called to serve in the 

Dallas Texas mission

Spanish speaking.

she leaves December 14.

holy moly.  i can't stop crying. so sad, but so so so so happy and excited.  let's be honest, i don't know how i'm feeling.

i am soooo excited for her.
but my insides are crying lots. 
i'm selfish like that.

i need volunteers to distract me for the next 18 months.  i only have 7 weeks to find a replacement


1 comment:

Mal Mecham said...

ME!!! PICK ME!!! I'll distract you as long as you promise to help distract me when Whit leaves me. Do we have a deal? And hooray for Anna!!!

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