sickening sweet

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

you know those couples who are so in love [and show it so much that] it just makes you want to puke?

i swear i will never be one of those couples.
too cheesy for me.


truth be told

i love cheesiness. seriously.

see example here

*only my lips*

but... for future reference.. If I'm ever so cutesy with my mister {someday} will someone PLEASE remind me of this post and how it annoys me so?

PS don't get me wrong.  I love love.  I love chick flicks and get giddy watching Pride and Prejudice. 

but.. you know what I'm talking about, right?



Beka said...

sometimes when i see couples like that i throw up in my mouth. true story. i also vow that i will never ever EVER be like that with my man. i will make sure you aren't either ;)

Ashley Serena said...

Love that scene... love that movie. :D
I think, if and when you get to that cheesy stage, we'll all think it's too cute to remind you otherwise. <3

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