More Random Pics.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This is the most recent pic I have of me probably.. We had just finished eating Ghiradelli Ice Cream Sundaes in San Fransisco. Mmm. I'm really happy about it...

never would have guessed I'm a fashion major with this outfit... Fanny Pack anyone?...

this is why I don't grow my hair long---I get lazy and it goes all messy and I don't seem to care..

Huggin' A Tree in Lake Forest, Cali.

My 20th Birthday party.. Blonde Sophie!

This group of people is awesome. It's weird to think we all hung out back in the day also.

Happy 20th Birthday!

1 comment:

anna mae said...

dear sister, you are awesome. and you're right, i wouldn't of guessed you are a fasion major. the fanny pack looks superb.

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