Glee in Review: by your local Gleek.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


If you haven't caught the Glee bug, you probably don't love great music, attractive people and hilarious lines.  If you do love those things and haven't experienced Glee, I suggest you hop on this bandwagon immediately.  Especially because John Stamos will be joining the cast next Tuesday on the Britney Spears episode.

I. Can't. Wait.

Seriously, I am a closet Britney fan (not so secret anymore...).  And I have been counting down the weeks until Glee started!

I loved the new additions to the cast so far and am looking forward to next week.

Blond Jock boy?  aka Ape lips?  I love his voice.

And Filipino girl . Amazing voice. 

**Side note, Lea Salonga--the singing voice of Jasmine and Mulan is also from the Philliphines. LOVE her!

I was so sad for Artie.  He so desperately wants Tina back..

I was also upset with Rachel.  But she and Finn still love each other.  Can't wait to see more of those two together!  I still get giddy over that relationship!

What did you think of this season's start?  What are you excited for?

Do you love JS lke I do?! Oh man, I never thought I'd have a crush on someone 24 years older than me but I totally do.

1 comment:

Janeal said...

Uncle Jesse is going on Glee? Awesome. He's still a babe, even after all these years.

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