superficial much?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wow.  Last two posts were about something I wanted changed about myself.  Please don't think I'm superficial.  I'm not getting a nose job and I love my short hair!  Sheesh.  I am not one of those girls who thinks I need to be changed!  Take Heidi Montag for instance.  She was gorgeous before and look what she did!

Still pretty. But still. 

I think I made a post about this already.  Find it { here }


Hilary said...

I read an article once about how Heidi has had TWO boob jobs. Seriously? She was originally like a B then a D and now I hear she's an H because, "H is for Heidi!"
I think it's pathetic.

Unknown said...

For REAL? Wow. People are pa-the-tic.

Jen Schow said...

Ewin. Cute blog! Happy to know ya. :) We should have a wii party. or a scrapbook party. or a partay. Jen
(ps my blog is enjoy my random thoughts as much as i enjoy yours.

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