The Greatest Invention

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My dad is famous for 3 or 5 jokes he rotates through. You should ask him to tell you these. My whole family could quote them, but my dad does an accent.  Which makes the joke hilarious instead of just funny.

One of them he calls The Greatest Invention.

But this isn't even the reason for my blogging.  It just reminded me because I've decided what the greatest invention really is.


Ever heard of it?  If you haven't, You need to be introduced.  Not kidding. Go. now.

What is it?

Internet radio. 

But not just any internet radio.

You type in your favorite artist, song, etc. and it chooses music like that.  Most of the time, I am very into all the music.

The other day it created a "Disney" playlist.  It started playing way old Radio Disney hits.  Back from when I was in Jr. High.  A long time ago.. I knew every word to the songs.  It was so fun taking a trip down memory lane.

Last week we had friends over and were playing some cards {sem ceards} We turned on the Michael Jackston playlist and listened to funk music all night and had a ball.

Seriously this is the best invention.

I love you, Pandora. 

If you'd like to take a trip down memory lane, here's the song that got me:

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