oh yeah, remember how I never posted this?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

these fotos are from the rodeo 2011.. Oh, you know.. just 8 months ago!  (i totally dropped the ball on posting these... sorry friends!)
Mark and the gorgeous Amy!
"intently watching"...Marie isn't posing, though... Nor is Amy. Haha. Nice.

You can barely see my friends in their rainbow shirts... one is in a red cowboy hat.  Haha. They did the wild cow milking. what a treasure to watch.

Amy Marie!
I don't know why I'm the only blurred person... Erin=not photogenic.

Erin y Adelaide

Erin y mi amiga famosa Janet (love you girl!!)

Fresh Strawberry Shakes. Mmmm.
Just can't wait til Summertime!! It's going to be the bomb dot com.

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