and another thing for that matter

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

There are some amazing women out there.

these women are (to name a handful)






ps all the women mentioned are all of those things and much more.  and i am super lucky to call them my friends!  
i know you're jealous. 

happy Wednesday!  

Ps Sorry I've been m.i.a. lately.  life has kind of taken over for the moment, and it's only going to get more busy from here.  Only 6 more weeks and I will be in Italia!  I've still got some posts up my sleeves though, so stay tuned! 



Mal Mecham said...

You, my darling friend, sure know how to make a girl feel special. I feel so lucky to be counted among your friends! Now. Once school is over and before you leave me for the lovely country of Italy, we must hang out. Deal? <3

Katya said...

Erin, I'm honored! You are one amazing woman too, you know that? :)

Ashley Serena said...

Italy will be so fun! Have a blast, and post all your pictures here for us to see!

PS: You are darling and I am humbled beyond words to be featured here. <3 Love you, dear!

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