Adventures on a girls day out..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

After lazing around for most of the morning, my sister, one of our friends and I decided to go trek to El Pollo Loco and then go catch a chick flick at the local Cinemark..


Eat some sort of chicken burrito. no sour cream. Check.

Drink lots of water. Check.

Get in Elantra. Check.

Drive over to theater. Check.

Watch as old woman collapses to the ground in the parking lot---- I'm sorry WHAT.

So as I'm hyperventilating, never having been a first responder to anything.. Anna and Jammie jump out of the car while I frantically find a place to park.
I grab their purses and RUN to where the lady was. She had gotten out of the car to buy tickets while her husband went to park the car. But she had tripped, fallen to the ground and was now bleeding and not moving. Talk about frantic on my part.
Anna checked her pulse while Jammie called her mom and this random gentleman called 911. Anna then covered the lady with her coat so she wouldn't go into shock (good on ya, sister!) Shortly thereafter the paramedics showed up, (at this point the old woman WAS responding, thank heavens) and rolled her away into the ambulance.

I was freaking out being a first responder and I didn't even do anything! I just watched in panic as my sister and Jammie were amazing and looked out for this lady!! This is why I am not a pre-med major, apparently!

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