sun room please

Monday, May 7, 2012

let's have a sun room. 

it doesn't have to be bright yellow.  actually, i prefer it be white.  or a really pale green or blue. it does, however, have to have lots of natural light (hence the name... sun room...)  

it has to have a big comfy couch.


i want to read books here
or snuggle up in a blanket with some hot chocolate on rainy days

 doesn't that sound delightful?

or take naps on warm summer Sunday afternoons.

maybe I'll set up an easel and paint in there. natural light + making art = the best

the more i think about it, the more a sun room just sounds like the most splendid idea
it's {mostly} all i want in my future house.

what must you have in your future house?

1 comment:

Rachel Elder said...

Oh my gosh yes! I would love a sunroom. AND a wrap around porch:)

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