Have a little Faith!

Friday, January 1, 2010

If your goals are righteous, of God-given perspective, eternal in their nature, then go for them. Pray for the inner strength to have the discipline to do those things that will guarantee through your activity and your life that you will reach your goals. Then, I think, perhaps as important as anything, we have to have faith. We have to have faith in God. We have to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And oh, how desperately we have to have faith in ourselves.
We all are the sons and daughters of God. Therefore, none of us, no not one, should ever have a low self-image. We belong to Him. We must struggle always to keep in our minds that our ultimate goal is to inherit eternal life

-Elder M. Russell Ballard

I love this. I often forget to have faith in myself as well as in Jesus Christ. We are all sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father therefore none of us should ever have a low self image.

One thing I'm going to strive for this year is to have more faith.

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